Founded in Moglia (Mantua) in 1946, Cesare Roversi Arredamenti is a firm specialising in architecture for interiors and furniture for homes, hotels, and offices.
Production flexibility is a strength at Cesare Roversi, since on one hand, it is able to work on projects on a case-by-case basis, creating furnishings from designs and to size, while on the other, it is able to create serial products on a vast scale, and always with a guarantee of accurate design services, assistance, transport and assembly.

Roversi is
Since the 1970s, the company has been focusing more and more on its vocation for contract furnishing, and in particular, on banking institutes, participating in the restoration and furnishing of historic bank headquarters.

Roversi is
Hospitality is increasingly in the spotlight, with the creation of important hotel complexes, where Cesare Roversi has taken care of every tiny detail to contribute to the design intent of creating areas of absolute comfort and the highest quality standards.

Roversi is
Home Living
The specific nature of the company lies in its ability to manufacture bespoke items from designs, completing the shell of the living unit. This takes the form of the different functions of furnishings: containment, partitions, closures, passages, supports and backgrounds created mainly in wood and various other materials.

Roversi is
Smart Office
Inevitably, workplace evolution means moving towards a growing awareness of the workplace as a place that is less hierarchical, more creative, and with greater freedom, and this is the direction that our research is taking.